Noa (BSH a)

Name: Noa van Evjana Anjero
Date of birth:
Colour: Blue (BSH a)
Blood type: A
Felv + Fiv: Negative dd.: 19-10-2022
PKD: Negative dd.: 23-01-2023
HCM: Negative dd.: 23-01-2023

Pedigree of Noa

Description of Noa:
Noa is a kitten of Yelly Bean. She is a super affectionate lovely kitten who has a lot from her father Roslin Fifimom. She is a calm and cuddly kitten and wants to lie on your knees if you are sitting in a chair. She is also very active but not that much that she draw naughty things. She likes it very much to play with the grandchildren and with all the other cats and she loves it to play with her young mates. She has a lovely fine character and she has a very fine coat structure and her color is the light blue version. We are very happy that we toke this kitten from the litter, We expect that when she may have kittens the kittens have a very nice character and that they are very lovely.

Photographs of Noa as kitten:


Noa 30-04-22


Noa 30-04-22